Sunday, January 5, 2014

Countdown to Boston!


In less than 3 days, I'll be in Boston for the U.S. Nation Figure Skating Championships! I'm so excited. This will be my fourth trip to Natls and my third with all access tickets. Sometimes I think I enjoy watching practices more than the comps. I get so nervous during the actual competitions! 

I'm almost done organizing to pack. I'm trying to pack light. It's a puddle jumper of a plane that I will be on, so I can't get away with just carry-on, but I'm hoping I can keep it to my carry-on size roller. Last year, I overpacked and had my huge roller bag with me. I certainly had everything I could have possibly needed with me, but man that thing is heavy. I think I've finally got the hang of what I need to pack. 

The weather looks like it will be fairly mild, at least for me! There is a massive cold snap coming the next two days, but it will move out by Wednesday. It needs to be well below freezing before I get concerned about the cold. 

But.... I guess the big news for today is that I got my hair done today. After 2 ½ years, I finally feel back to myself. If you know me at all, you will understand once you see this picture.