Wednesday, August 26, 2009

and it starts again...

Obviously, I have still not gotten this blog thing down. However, school is starting up again, both kiddos heading off this year and I will have much more time to do things.
Organization is a huge goal. Not just the physical type, though that is definitely a priority, but organizing my time as well. I need to be on a schedule as badly as the kids do. Brian will just have to fit himself into it... tho I hope he embraces the plan and helps.
I know I want to do the following:
- spend time on Rosetta Stone each day relearning my Russian
- have one day a week dedicated to scrapbooking. Both traditional and digital.
- get the house cleared out, cleaned and painted. This will obviously be broken down into manageable bites.
- get to the gym at least 3x a week and exercise at home every day.

There will be more, but before I get overwhelmed I better stop listing.

Oh yeah... and make time for this blog thing and figure out how to do all the cool stuff.

That's all for today. Off to shower, knit, and see what else the day brings.

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